Rail Live!

Event Information

Rail Live 2024 is the congress edition and will be focused on high-level networking opportunities and high-level content. We’ll bring together a diverse conference program featuring the most innovative technologies and projects in rail from around the World for this must-attend show.

Alongside this industry-leading conference, we are focused on creating opportunities for valuable networking to take place, through scheduled meetings, off-site drink receptions and networking breaks. At Rail Live you’ll be able to:

  • Share your big-picture insights on the keynote stage, to an audience of
  • 2000 attendees representing the most influential executives in the
  • industry
  • Dive deeper into the issue in our 9 focused conference themes, full of
  • decision-makers from across the global rail industry
  • Benefit from one-on-one meetings with rail leaders from the global
  • industry throughout the 2 days of Rail Live!
  • Position your brand as a leader in the sector

For a 10% discount on your ticket use code – RS10

Event News


Rail Live is pleased to announce that their highly anticipated agenda for the upcoming 2024 congress edition event has been released. Scheduled to take place from November 26th to 27th at the Palacio de Congresos …


Terrapinn Holdings Ltd.
Wren House
43 Hatton Garden
Sponsorship enquiries: adam.hayward@terrapinn.com
Conference programme and speaking opportunities: lucy.matthews@terrapinn.com
