Alstom delivers the first train for ViaMobilidade’s line 8-Diamante and line 9-Esmeralda, in São Paulo

Alstom, global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, delivered the first 8900 series train to ViaMobilidade, the concessionaire that manages lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda of São Paulo, thus marking the beginning of a new journey in urban mobility in the greater São Paulo area.
Under the scope of its contract with ViaMobilidade, Alstom is manufacturing 36 8-car trains at its rolling stock industrial plant in Taubaté (SP). For this, the company invested in a new industrial line that doubled the factory’s capacity and contributed to the generation of more than 500 direct jobs.
Alstom’s Metropolis trains for lines 8 and 9 are made from stainless steel and one of the main advantages is their durability: the car shells last more than 40 years and are lighter compared to carbon steel models. In addition, they consume less energy and are therefore more energy efficient.
The trains, covered in the lines jewelled colours, can each carry 2,600 passengers, have doors and corridors that will offer excellent passenger exchange and freedom of movement, in addition to spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility. Large windows and doors provide a clear view of the outside, guaranteeing a smooth, safe and comfortable journey for passengers. The trains also feature modern technologies: passenger counting, dynamic line maps, monitors and video surveillance, as well as fire detectors and fire extinguishers.