Transformers for railway


The electric energy for railways is supplied as high voltage to the catenary feeder substations, where the voltage is reduced to a suitable level and fed to the railway catenary conductors to be used by locomotives and trains. Different railway electrification systems demand different kind of transformers.

Why ABB?

  • Compactly designed, low weight transformers
  • High quality manufacturing and design optimization supports required short circuit withstand capability
  • Global manufacturing footprint provides expertise on specific local technical requirements and standards

AC traction feeder transformers

AC traction feeder transformers are used between normal three-phase AC networks and single-phase catenary systems. They are often equipped with an on-load tap changer (OLTC). Their strong structure is specially designed to resist repeated short circuits during the operation, which are common in electric railways.

Product scope:

  • High voltage up to 400 kV
  • Power ratings: usually 7.5 – 25 MVA, up to 60 MVA in Europe

Why ABB?

  • Compactly designed, low weight transformers
  • High quality manufacturing and design optimization supports required short circuit withstand capability
  • Global manufacturing footprint provides expertise on specific local technical requirements and standards


The task of the autotransformers along the catenary line is to balance the voltages between the catenary and the earth, and the negative phase conductor and the earth, and then distribute the return current evenly between the two phases.

Advantages compared to single phase feeding systems:

  • Lower losses due to higher voltage
  • Longer distance between catenary feeder substations
  • Better collection of returning stray currents
  • Reduced interference for communications

Product scope:

  • Frequencies: 16.67, 25, 50, 60 Hz
  • Power ratings: 4 – 15 MVA
  • Single-phase

Why ABB?

  • Compactly designed, low weight transformers
  • Solution for kiosk mounting with an integrated oil sump

Auxiliary transformers

Auxiliary transformers are used for lighting purposes, heating the train wagons or for producing single-phase auxiliary for the safety systems supply or the substation’s own supply.

Product scope

  • Voltage level: up to 36 kV
  • Power rating: up to 2 MVA

Why ABB?

  • Compactly designed, low weight transformers
  • Global manufacturing footprint provides expertise on specific local technical requirements and standards