Regionalexpress RE7 und Regionalbahn RB14
The RE7 and RB14 are affected by measures on the Berlin Stadtbahn. These will result in the cancellation or partial cancellation of trains between Ostbahnhof and BER T1-2 between 19:30 and 23:15 on 9 August 2022.
Between 15 August 2022, approx. 6:00 a.m. and 19 August 2022, approx. 10:00 p.m., the RE7 and RB14 will be diverted to BER T5 station. This means that no regional trains will be running between Berlin and BER T1-2 during this period. For example, use the bus routes to continue your journey to BER Terminal 1 or 2.
Current DB traffic information (German)
Access to BER by other means of transport (car, bus, taxi)